About Bird Dog Recruitment
Bird Dog exists because of the challenges that I encountered in hiring top-tier talent during my tenure on the senior staff of a Midwest governor. I get it…personnel is policy! I learned very quickly that real reforms happen when you have a committed team of C-level leaders who have the vision and courage to tackle tough issues each day.
Our goal at Bird Dog is to connect you with talented doers who will help the government-run leaner and effectively. We understand that vacancies can occur for a myriad of reasons at the most inconvenient of times and we want to be your go-to partner when you need it the most.
How our process works:
- After close consultation with you, we will develop a candidate profile that will include core competencies and the necessary skillsets to be successful in the role.
- We will source and recruit candidates through the BD talent bank, fellow partners in the industry, and other recruitment tools.
- We will perform phone interviews, cursory social media reviews, and reference calls.
- Candidate packets will include an application, resume, interview summary, social media, and reference checks. Additional information can be requested.
- The candidates we refer to you will have the technical and functional abilities required for the position, as well as the interpersonal skills and ability to work in a team environment.
- We will provide you with insightful advice on how best to proceed with each candidate.
Kim Borchers
Trust and ethical behavior are the basis of our business. We want to be able to not only look you in the eye, but to look at ourselves in the mirror with pride. We know that executive hiring requires an investment of your time and money, and we promise to be good stewards of your resources.